We were delighted to attend the 1st ever BioPharmaChem Impact 24 Conference which took place yesterday May 23rd in the beautiful surroundings of Fota Island Resort, Cork.
This event brought together over 180 delegates from a diverse group of stakeholders to facilitate the exchange of ideas, best practices and emerging trends in the BioPharma sector. The topics discussed included: harnessing digitalisation in BioPharmaChem, trends and policies shaping the sector, talent strategies for success, charting the path to carbon neutrality among others and exploring how Irish businesses can remain competitive in an ever-increasing intense international market.
It was apparent that we are all undergoing periods of rapid change, driven by digitalisation, regulatory challenges, talent, and sustainability, however, the common thread throughout the day was how we can work smarter and stronger together by strong partnerships and ensure our workforce continues to embrace change and continues to upskill.
The conference was brought to a close by Mr. Michael McGrath, T.D. and Minister for Finance, who was delighted to be back in Cork for the event showing his support for our sector. To round off a great day of learning and peer networking, we feasted on a Gala dinner and celebrated the outstanding contribution to the BioPharmaChem industry – Eamon Judge, Eli Lily. He shared so many wonderful stories of his 43 years in the industry, including the significance of the 3-legged stool in Ireland’s success story.